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Today in History and Celebrity Birthdays


Celebrity Birthdays for March 26: U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is 85. Biologist and author Richard Dawkins is 84. Author Erica Jong is 83. Journalist Bob Woodward is 82. Singer Diana Ross is 81. Singer Steven Tyler of Aerosmith is 77.


Today in History for March 26: On this date: In 1821, the Hudson's Bay Company and the Northwest Company amalgamated under the name Hudson's Bay Company. In 1830, Joseph Smith first published ``The Book of Mormon.


Today in Music History for March 26: In 1827, composer Ludwig van Beethoven died in Vienna at the age of 57. His works bridged the classical and romantic periods and brought a new depth and emotional intensity to music.


Celebrity Birthdays for March 25: Film critic Gene Shalit is 99. Apollo 13 astronaut James Lovell is 97. Feminist activist and author Gloria Steinem is 91. Actor-director and AIDS activist Paul Michael Glaser (TV's ``Starsky and Hutch'') is 82.


Today in Music History for March 25: In 1942, Aretha Franklin, dubbed ``The Queen of Soul'' for her million-selling records in the 1960s, was born in Memphis. By age 14, Aretha was a featured performer with her father's gospel caravan.


Today in History for March 25: On this date: In 1409, rebel bishops met at Pisa and voted to excommunicate the two popes, Benedict XIII and Gregory XII.


Celebrity Birthdays for March 24: Scientist-broadcaster David Suzuki is 89. Fashion and costume designer Bob Mackie is 86. Rock musician Lee Oskar is 77. Singer Nick Lowe is 76. Fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger is 74.


Today in Music History for March 24: In 1949, Steve Lang, bass guitarist with the Canadian rock group ``April Wine,'' was born.


Today in History for March 24: On this date: In 1580, what are believed to have been the first bombs were tossed at the town of Guelderland, Germany. In 1603, the Elizabethan era ended in England with the death of Queen Elizabeth I.


Celebrity Birthdays for March 23: Movie director Mark Rydell is 97. Singer Chaka Khan is 72. Actress Amanda Plummer is 68. Actress Catherine Keener is 66. Canadian country singer George Fox is 65.