Since December we've been running regular polls here on our website, letting you have your say on issues that affect your city, along with some random questions mostly revolving around the experience of living here.
We've asked you what you think happened to Canuck the Crow, if you believe our hockey team with the same name will win the Stanley Cup, and if you're excited about ride hailing services being available in our city.
Perhaps the most important poll we've conducted is the one that's currently running. It's around a highly divisive topic.
The question is "How often have you used an umbrella in the snow?"
I have to admit I was surprised by the results.
2.3% of you told us that you've used an umbrella in the snow "Only once, and I was shamed into never doing it again."
That wasn't the surprising part.
What I did not expect is that 36% of you break out your umbrellas either every time it snows, or occasionally.
Heck, surprise isn't a strong enough word. These results are shocking, folks.
Sure, a whole 61% of you claim to have never, ever used a tool that was designed to protect you from water to protect you from frozen water, but I had no idea there were so many of you who regularly do.
You are a movement. And while I don't agree with your life choices, you're still awesome.
Check out the archive of all of our polls HERE.