It's the first week of August, and that can only mean one thing: It's time!
Louder than the Indy, longer than the fireworks, and almost as old as the PNE, one of the lower mainland's longest running traditions, the Abbotsford Airshow, is happening this weekend, and it is celebrating 100 years of powered flight.
We have Canada's Snowbirds:
Ear splitting flybys:
Those mini-donuts, lemonaide, and those endless skies:
The Jelly-belly plane, that, quite frankly, looks something like me flying a plane, or a drunk flying a plane, one or the other... it's pretty funny...
And a urinal tent! That's right... a urinal tent... it's like camping and a bathroom in one! (this one is so going to be in future posts for the best bathrooms...)