“Heartbreaking. The±ٱԻwas always the Prince Harry to theGeorgia Straight’s Prince William. The cheeky, ginger brother who seemed to be having a better time. You will be missed.”—Andrew Templeton
Less news is sad news. No news is bad news. Gonna miss you
— Tamara Stanners (@TamaraStanners)
“I am so sorry to hear you will no longer be publishing after Dec. 21. I am new to your paper, only five years a reader as that was when I moved to the West End. From the start I loved reading the±ٱԻevery week – it gave me a connection to my neighbourhood on a personal level that made me feel part of a caring, wonderful community that the West End is. The±ٱԻprovided information on local business, who was going, who was coming, traffic pattern changes, wonderful local events and personalities – all touching anyone who cared about this home we call the West End. You will be very much missed.” —Lynda E.
Sorry to hear is ceasing publication after 68 years. A big loss for Vancouver.
— 5 Kids 1 Condo (@5kids1condo)
Encouraged, however, that there are no high resolution versions of that time I was on the cover.
“Way back in 1984, I was a RN at St. Paul’s Hospital and feeling rather disheartened. I had come out a couple of years before this and tried to find that perfect someone, to no avail.
Friends of mine had no problem either picking up someone or being picked up and couldn’t understand why I was always left alone at the end of the night! In talking to my 'counsellors' while sitting at the coffee bar in Little Sister’s, they kept saying I might want to place an ad in theWestender. One never knows what may happen. The more they insisted, the more I realized that I better put in the ad before they took matters into their own hands!
I spent many hours writing, re-writing, editing, re-writing the revisions, agonizing over what to say. What do I put into an ad, how truthful should I be, what was I really looking for, etc. On Nov. 9, 1984 I walked into the±ٱԻoffice and nervously handed over my ad. Then waited...and waited. A few days later I again walked into the newspaper office to see if there were any responses. Holy crap! I got 17 letters!
After racing home I read each one and sorted them out in little piles: must meet, might meet, not interested. There were seven that were really interesting, and only one that was typewritten. Choosing the best three (including the typewritten letter) I took my life and future in my hands and went to see the Little Sister’s gang to get their opinions.
Jack and Bruce weren’t there but Jim read all three, thought about it for several seconds and said, ‘This one. Phone him or I will!’ as he thrust the typewritten letter at me. Next, I went over to the hospital to meet a very good friend and have him read the letters. Don didn’t take very long to decide that the typewritten letter was 'the one.'
So I hurried home, butterflies in my stomach, heart racing a mile a minute. I mean, I had never done this before. I left a short message and then waited. Sure enough he phoned back, we talked on the phone about two hours, realized we have quite a few things in common, went out for dinner the next night, and before I knew it I was moving into his place.
That was 34 years ago and we have been together ever since. Thank you,Westender!”—Ross Arnot
A couple of my first-ever published poems were with
— David Ly (@dlylyly)
"I am sorry to hear about the demise of theWestender. For likely somewhere around 15- 20 years, you have been my coffee mate. The best of luck to all the staff on the new roads they endeavour… Thank you for all the years!"—Cynthia Abbott
First Nick's and now the , I think the Mayan doomsday prediction of Dec 21, 2012 was off by 5 years.
— Andrew Langdon (@Surfcrest)
"I have always looked forward to myWestender, delivered to the lobby of my building every week, while realizing a free local paper is a vanishing luxury. I enjoyed the Rants/Raves. It was great to read about local opinions (including my own a couple of times). It was good to know what was happening in my neighbourhood. And Grant Lawrence's reflections and insights were not to be missed. And the crosswords and the horoscopes... Thank you for 68 years of service."ⲹ
Oh no! It's bad reflection on the cultural health of a city when a local entertainment weekly can't survive. Goodbye and thank you.
— Kevin Eastwood (@Kevin_Eastwood)
"What, are you kidding me? This is the lastWestender? After moving here about 14 years ago I fell in love with theWestender. I really liked the restaurant reviews, coverage of local happenings and the great information on beer and getting drunk. I confess I have had many Rants and Raves over the years (25-plus). I’m thankful for the editors who put my pieces in as it was a fun, creative outlet for me. So I guess this is a Rant that the paper is leaving the print landscape, which gets even smaller, and a Rave that it was a great publication for so many years. Thank you."—Keith Freeman
Oh, no! For more than twenty years I have relished every Thursday, with a new edition in my hands. I could see that you've struggled recently. I will miss your publication and its editors and writers.
— Robert Basil (@thebasil)
"My heart breaks
I shed a tear
A long time friend will no longer be here
I will miss you forever."
—Danielle Dalbec
Tough news. I'll miss picking up a copy every week. I wish all the staff well in their future endeavours.
— Mark Abbott (@MarkAbbott604)
It hurts my heart to lose . Worked with some great editors on big stories that might've never made it without their guidance. Thanks for the memories. ❤️
— kristi alexandra (@kristialexandra)