For the next , Kudos and Kvetches is going to gather around the Festivus tree and air its grievances and assorted on all things seasonal and seasonal affective disorder-related. You’re welcome.
We get it. Children are a gift. The miracle of life and all that. Yada yada yada.
But why are you putting pictures of your womb or the womb of the mother of your child all over the internet?
Is there something visually distinctive about your fetus that makes it look any different than the dozens of other fetuses our pregnant friends have wrongfully assumed we wanted to see and marvel over? No. They all look like aliens. Which is fine.
But how about a simple photo of a bun in the oven or an announcement saying “Guess who’s preggers?”
Or better yet, how about no announcement at all, because in nine months we are going to hear more than enough about your precious kid – the heartwarming tales of defecation gone wrong, the sleepless nights, the sexless months, the dwindling bank account.
Not that we are totally against posting photos of your internal goings on. X-rays of objects stuck inside of you, broken bones, bloodwork… totally fine and somewhat intriguing.
Sonograms? Calm down.
Merry Christmas.