, of The Sonja Picard Collection, now offers a jewelry design service called Recycle Your Love. Clients bring in old, unused jewelry from their past for Picard to rework into jewelry that reflects who they are today. Recycle Your Love consultations are free; gifts and rings from previous marriages as well as gems and gold pieces bequeathed from loved ones can be remade into rings and pendants.
The Sonja Picard Collection uses conflict-free certified Canadian diamonds; materials are locally sourced and all the pieces are made in her Main Street studio. ABC correspondent Carla Wohl wore pieces from the Couture Line at the 2008 and 2009 Oscars and local personalities Will Blunderfield, Bif Naked and Zara Durrani are fans of her work. The Canadian designer has been a professional artist since 1990 and in 2000 she launched her jewelry line, sold in stores and galleries throughout North America and Europe. She also works with an array of media: cast glass, ceramic, bronze, acrylic, mixed media, to create paintings and sculptural art. (4360 Main; SonjaPicard.com)