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500 Coffees #56 - Shelley Koorbatoff of @sayhivancouver

55 weeks ago I read a theory that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the theory that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it.


Name: Shelley Koorbatoff

Occupation: Management Consultant

Beverage: Soy latte

55 weeks ago I read a that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneur's equivalent to the that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it. While I got the idea, 50 coffees was far easier than practicing something for ten years, so after completing that challenge I decided to make a major commitment and publish 500 over the next few years. In this series I introduce you to interesting Vancouverites, many of whom I had never met before. It's an exercise in networking for myself and for V.I.A. while also being a platform through which I to introduce you to some people who are doing really cool stuff in the city you live in.

Meet Shelley Koorbatoff. Management consultant for Sierra Systems by day and the visionary behind the Friday February 8th Say Hi Vancouver movement which we about recently, and which is happening all day tomorrow! We met at Caffe Artigiano at Pender and Thurlow, right between the V.I.A. office and Sierra Systems' office.

If you've been paying attention to the local media over the past 3 weeks you'll likely have heard about the project. It's been been getting so much buzz that it's been almost overwhelming for Shelley. Over coffee we talked about all of the excitement, and how this things she's started has truly changed her life. She says it's the best thing she's ever done and that it has fundamentally changed the way she looks at the world, that she now really appreciates how one person can really make a change. I love it.

Tomorrow morning I'll be wearing a Say Hi Vancouver nametag with my name on it (download and print your own !) and talking to random strangers all day. At 12:15 at the Art Gallery there'll even been an impromptu meetup where a bunch of folks will be... well... saying hi! Come by and say hi!

Follow Say Hi Vancouver on Twitter at , on Facebook at and stay tuned to see what's up next for Shelley and company.

Stay tuned for 444 more Coffees!