I recently read a that going for 50 coffees with people you've never met is the entrepreneurs equivalent to the that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make you an expert on it. While I get the idea, 50 coffees is far easier than practicing something for ten years, and while I'm far from lazy I've decided to set out on a fairly simple mission: over the next 50 weeks I'm going to invite 50 interesting Vancouverites, most of whom I have never met before, to go for coffee. I'm going to use this as an exercise in networking for myself and for V.I.A. while also using it as a platform to introduce you to some people who are doing really cool stuff in the city you live in. |
Meet Josh Dunford. Head of Burnkit, proud dog dad and the owner of no less than two medium-sized shipping containers that he keeps in his office space. On his business card it says that he's a "Founder/Janitor" and what I get out of that is that he takes care of stuff, top to bottom.
We met at Burnkit's large warehouse studio space on Alexander Street in Railtown and before I got there I had a feeling that we were like-minded simply because we both have a history in design. But when I arrived and realized we have very similar haircuts, almost the exact same facial hair and common tastes in plaid, I knew it to be true. And as the conversation strayed from the work that they do for clients such as Bing Thom Architects, BC Ferries, The Canadian Cancer Society and others into talk of camping and island adventures, I knew that we'd likely be meeting for another coffee in the future. Hell, maybe even 50 more coffees.
You can learn more about Burnkit and the work they're doing . Also be sure to dig into the online for the recent exhibition they produced entitled , featuring original design prototypes from 5 notable Vancouver-based designers. Here's a video that introduces it...